The healthy body and brain are key parts of wellbeing fitness and so we need as much well-being info about the brain as possible. The more information we have about the condition of the brain, the greater our ability to maintain a healthy brain.
MRI's and CAT scans all help maintain your body's health by delivering well-being info that explains how an organ physically looks. A SPECT scan provides different well-being Infos and explains how an organ works.
An EEG measures the electrical activity patterns generated by an organ.SPECT looks at activity patterns by studying the body's blood flow and especially the regional cerebral blood flow. SPECT is, therefore, a functional scan that helps to understand a person's brain health.
Blood flow and activity are closely related to each other because the brain has no fat stores.
When a part of the brain is working hard with good activity there will be increased blood flow to that region of the brain and vice versa. imbalances inactivity can be cured by using this approach to understand the workings of the brain.
For example, low activity means that the brain needs to be stimulated to create positive activity patterns.
The well-being Infos implication of this is that you can make your brain better than what you may have been born with and also help it to heal when it is damaged.
Over time the brain usually gets less active but people with healthy lives tend not to have a brain that has declined in activity and performance.
Improve your Brain Power
Lack of sleep, drinking carbonated drinks, not exercising and eating unhealthily are all examples of things that inhibit your brainpower.
Sleep is a key factor to maintain your wellbeing. As we age we typically sleep less but our body may well still need the 7 to 8 hours sleep that we probably achieved in our youth. Either way, you should make a conscious decision about how much sleep you get.
Change up these bad sleeping habits, do the recommended lifestyle changes and you will find that your brain power's decline is reduced.
To get a better body you need to develop a better brain. You need to avoid those things that are bad for your brain health.
To reduce your risks by avoiding exposure to dangerous activities that can injure your head and wear headgear whenever the physical activity you're doing allows it.
Another way of making your brain unhealthy is if you regularly have less than 6 hours of sleep at night because typically that creates less blood flow in the brain.
Cancer chemotherapy kills many cells including brain cells, so it helps your brain when you abide by anti-cancer life activities such as eating healthily. The link to a healthy brain and a healthy body has been shown from many research findings and it is widely accepted that the two are closely linked.
The Cerebellum controls the coordination portion of the brain and is closely connected to the frontal lobes. The frontal lobes are the area of thought processes within the brain and help with your effective decision making.
To help your general wellbeing, take up sports like basketball, racket games, and dance.
Understanding typical brain activity levels mean that people can be grouped into categories and judgments made. Once you understand what personality you are from your brain activity you can then identify what treatment is best for any unhealthy brain activity.
Similarly, if you want to eat healthily then understanding how your brain works, can help you make the right decisions about food.
For example, someone who is feeling sad, moody and negative will have a different decision-making process. They have no idea how much to eat when offered a menu of unhealthy foods in comparison to when they are feeling positive and happy.
Weight and Brain Power
The University of Pittsburgh research has shown that your brain size shrinks when you gain excessive amounts of weight and are overweight.
Put another way, if your BMI is from 25 - 30 you have 4% less brain tissue than you should have and your brain is 8 years older than that of someone with a normal BMI between 18.5 and 25.
When you're obese you have 8% less brain tissue than what you should have. In fact, your brain is 16 years older when you are obese and you are therefore limiting your enjoyment of life.
Your unhealthy brain limits your access to an enriched and healthy life because it will make bad decisions in your life and a direct example is when it comes to your food relationships.
The worldwide well-being Infos trend tends to be that people are becoming more overweight. 2/3 of people in the western world are overweight. The projection for the next 10 years is that 75% of people will be overweight.
Body Composition Scales
To be certain you have enough healthy fat in your body take 3gms of omega fish oils per day. Omega 6 fats help you store fat and are the opposite of Omega 3 oils which add more years and life to people.
Spices are good. Turmeric has curcumin and is thought to help reduce the plaque responsible for Alzheimer's disease.
Saffron helps to keep your mood positive. Studies show that Saffron helps to ease the effects of PMS, depression and memory problems. Cinnamon is also a good spice to have regularly in your diet as it is thought to help add more vitality to a person.
What Brain Health Is
The creation and maintenance of a healthy brain must be included in everyone's wellbeing fitness life plan. It is easier to sustain your brain's health through your entire life if you have a working definition of what brain health is. Your brains health can be defined as being equal to two broad themes:
The physical appearance of the brain. The volume of the brain and most importantly the density of the brain in terms of the number of connections between the neurons.
The functional aspect of the brain in how it performs everyday tasks for you. How are you at work, meeting with people and doing things at home.
Functional Independence relates to the way that a person's brain allows them to support themselves without help and it is important so that as we age we can live independently.
Memory Tips for Your Wellbeing Fitness
You must lead a healthy lifestyle that is kind to your brain. The top must-do things for you to prioritize are now described. Do brain healthy things regularly so that they are a habit in your way of living and that should mean for example that you're limiting your alcohol intake.
Keep doing exercise and having a good diet plan for life. Stay within your daily allowance and monitor your weight gains so that they are only temporary. Avoid environmental toxins in the area you live or habitually frequent.
Get a colonoscopy at calorie 50 years and eat 5 to 10 portions of fruit and vegetables. Have regular mammograms particularly from 40 years onwards.
To exercise your brain do various things that create increased mental activity. For example, crosswords only exercise the language part of your brain, you need to do number puzzles and other brain teasers to properly stimulate the brain.
Mix up your mental activities with physical activities and even at the same time. For example, if you're right-handed do a puzzle with your right hand. Keep on doing new learning tasks so that your brain is doing something new regularly.
Memory Usage: You should focus on the three parts that form the workings of your memory. Create personal methods that help you improve the effectiveness of each of the three stages below.
To make any changes in how you use your memory long lasting you need to constantly practice them so that eventually it becomes natural to use methods that maximize the effective workings of these three memory activities below:
The first step is to acquire it... Storage and retrieval of information
It is easier to remember things that are memorable. The memory can be distinctive for good or bad reasons - it just needs to be strikingly different to be remembered better. As you age you just need to develop strategies to retain data. Practice can help us train our brains into good habits.
10 Point Plan For improving Your Brain Health
The intellectual performance of the memory and brain is one key factor. This covers daily choices we make in our lives such as deciding where to keep our keys. To bring all of the information together about your brain and your wellbeing the 10pont plan below can help.
Diet. Maintain a healthy eating plan that conforms to USDA guidelines, brain training and
Exercise. Aerobic is the best but try to do at least 150 minutes of activity that raises your heartbeat
Skills. Do varied brain training exercises and ones that provide a time pressure element. Keep your mind guessing by varying your daily routines.
Strategize. Develop your own personal strategies and keep practicing them. Then when skilled, create a second method of doing the same thing. For example, make a new way of memorizing names or numerical calculations. change your usual ways of thinking and memorizing everyday tasks.
Risks. Reduce brain health risks, such as to get enough sleep
Emotional well-being. Reduce situations that create excessive bad emotions. This means avoid stress, worries and anxiety. So if you feel yourself getting unnecessarily angry for example, do breathing and meditation exercises, etc.
Slow down. Get your brain more focus on a daily basis. Plan your goals for the day and concentrate on achieving those goals day by day. make sure you don't waste your mental energy. Focus on attention, speed and flexibility skills. Do things that help you think differently and quickly.
Challenge. Use your brain to take up hobbies, learn a new language make sure your brain gets focused. Brush your teeth with your opposite hand. Turn your watch upside down.
Learn Daily. Try and actively learn at least one new thing every day. For example, any words that you don't know when you encounter them - research what they mean at the first possible chance that you get.
Believe. Be confident and believe you can do anything that you put your mind to or plan to do.